Unmasking: Project H

Well, hello. It’s been awhile. The ultra-abridged version of “where the hell I’ve been” is that I was sick. The details of that are less relevant and will inspire conversation another time, but the general timeline started with burnout to COVID to long-ish COVID to “recovered, I think, with occasional flareups.” Something big happened while I was out of commission. It was both terrible and wonderful. At the outset, it felt small and insignificant, then grew into something incredible and powerful.

So That’s What Burnout is Like

I was excelling at work, investing in my self-care, and bursting with creative projects. I felt great and was even proud of myself. Look at me healing! Pursuing passions! Creating things in ways I hadn’t before!

Silence is Not an Answer

Silence is not an answer. Silence is the absence of information—nothing more or less. Silence does not indicate a person’s motives, intent, state of being, feelings, or thoughts. Filling in the blanks in the absence of those things is a disservice both to the recipient and giver of the silence.

The Disenfranchisement of the Hyper-Independent

I seem fearless to everyone around me. Whenever someone asks why or how I would do the thing that they would or could not, my answer is one of two things. It’s either that it doesn’t occur to me that I can’t or that I don’t have a choice.

The Thirteenth Hour

Before, my life felt like I was always running a labyrinth. Always hearing a screaming baby in a distant place, never able to reach it, constantly yanked in different directions, racing against a time frame that didn't exist. But now the whole thing has been razed, disintegrated.